Kamis, 11 April 2013


Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) has three major missions: ukhuwah Islamiyah (relations between Muslims), Ukhuwah Basyariyah (citizen's relationship with the all mankind NU), and Ukhuwah Wathaniyah (NU's relationship with the State). One vital component in bridging three major missions that education is a factor. Education is Qonditio Sie Quanon Nahdhiyin citizens to do so three missions of NU can be implemented in a concrete form. Moreover, in the education of morality, aspects of the load with the morality of it, both national and religious mission relevant. The Jihad by building a good quality education for you Nahdhiyin by the advance of the religion and the nation is an obligation that must be carried out with continue.
Al Ma’arif as an institution that combines various elements of a constructive and positive education, also advocated the participants his protégé with his Excellency akhlaq. Be important to remember that the education is closely related to morality. Status, morality became the most important agenda that must be immediately implemented in the institution of the NU umbrella. Measures improving the morality of late is need for intensive scrutiny of the entire party. This step proved crucial and urgent given the global situation now tend to marginalize morality as the issue is no longer taken into account. If the problem still continues, as to the future, Indonesia will experience a phase of neo-jahilisme.
Moral education book Volume in an era of global shifts in the pattern of teacher-student interactive in the global era "by Dr. H. Muhammad Zainur Raziqin, MM., M. Pd, focussing on first appearance in analyzing the educational aspects of the educational institution to the NU's like Al Ma’arif. Although this book lays out some things that have to be addressed in education developed Al Ma’arif, this book also give constructive recommendations for the development of education Al Ma’arif. The author of this book was a very caring towards NU NU and the institution. Figure this one is one of NU cadres were also known as the Ulama from Malang, also have a doctoral academic degree in the field of social sciences. This is one of the Nahdliyin citizens of exemplary because of the success of integrating between religion and science for progress of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Islam and Indonesia.
Book Review
Book title             : Moral education in the Era of Global
Author                 : Dr. H. Muhammad Zainur Raziqin, MM., M. Pd
Publisher             : Averroes Press
Peresensi            : R. Ahmad Muhajir Ansori
Copyright           : 2007

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